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Revolutionize Your Membership Management

Written by Boyd Wason | 14 Jun, 2023

In today's fast-paced world of professional societies and associations, the demand for streamlined and intuitive digital platforms has reached unprecedented levels. Outdated niche membership management systems have fallen behind, impeding internal efficiency and stifling member involvement.

With the Membership Management Software Market projected to reach a valuation of US$8.26 billion by 2029, the need for software platforms that automate administrative duties such as member information gathering, dues collection, and event registration processing is soaring. However, traditional membership management systems have proven to be limited in security, accessibility, and have challenges with reporting functionality.

This blog explores how a commerce-powered CRM can elevate your organization and provide a range of benefits that help increase engagement, enable growth and deliver seamless digital experience to members.

The Power of HubSpot

Engaging Partners recognized the need for a comprehensive, agile, and scalable solution that could address the shortcomings of legacy systems. Leveraging the capabilities of HubSpot, a leading CRM platform, CommercePro was born.

This membership management solution provides organizations with a powerful toolkit to overcome the limitations of traditional systems and embrace a more dynamic approach.

Seamless Integration with Leading Tools

Unlike most traditional tools, a key feature of CommercePro is its seamless integration with Stripe and Xero. By harnessing the power of Stripe's industry-leading payment processing capabilities, CommercePro ensures secure and efficient transactions for membership sales and renewals.

Meanwhile, the integration with Xero, empowers organisations to streamline financial management and reporting, reducing complexities and ensuring accuracy.

Enhanced Internal Efficiency

The adoption of CommercePro revolutionizes internal processes, allowing organizations to achieve greater efficiency and productivity. By automating manual tasks and eliminating data duplication, staff members are freed from administrative burdens and can focus on strategic initiatives and delivering exceptional member experiences.

CommercePro's advanced features, combined with HubSpot's CRM functionalities, enable seamless communication, personalized interactions, event management, and simplified online membership sales.

Elevating Member Experiences

CommercePro goes beyond traditional membership management systems by offering advanced features that create unparalleled member experiences. Organizations can personalize communication, tailoring it to specific member preferences and activities. The system's event management capabilities allow for effortless event bookings, ensuring members can easily participate in valuable educational workshops, training sessions, and industry events. Moreover, CommercePro enables automatic membership renewals, providing a seamless and convenient experience for members.

The Transformation of the Marketing Association

The New Zealand Marketing Association serves as a compelling case study, exemplifying the transformative power of HubSpot for managing memberships more effectively. 

Faced with manual processes, scalability challenges, and an outdated legacy system, it recognized the need for a modern and integrated solution.

Engaging Partners initially developed a solution that allows the Marketing Association to better tailor its communications to marketers based on their specific activities, life cycles, and journeys. As a result, there has been a significant boost in internal process efficiency - eliminating manual workarounds and data duplication, as well as strengthening member relationships and increased overall satisfaction.  All of this has resulted in a 1.8x increase in online revenue generation in just 2 years.  Enhancements to the system with faster, optimised checkout will accelerate membership growth and average order value exponentially more in the next 12 months.

Final Thoughts

In a world where innovation and member-centricity are paramount, traditional niche membership management systems fall short. The introduction of CommercePro, built natively on HubSpot CRM, revolutionizes the industry by offering flexibility, scalability, and advanced features that drive organizational growth and enhance member experiences.